Other healthcare

Wachtkamerschermen® suits every healthcare discipline

Positive waiting experience and more satisfied patients

Transform waiting into a positive experience with Wachtkamerschermen®. Inform your patients or clients optimally, helping them enter the treatment or consultation room more relaxed.

Display information about your practice, clinic, or institution and share details about your specialisations. You can also introduce your team and show current waiting times. This increases client engagement and understanding of any delays.

The versatile digital signage system from Wachtkamerschermen® is suitable for all medical and paramedical disciplines within primary and secondary care. Both small practices and large institutions benefit from our system, as the management environment and broadcasts can be customised to your needs. You have full control over what is broadcast. Our automated modules ensure that you spend as little time as possible managing your broadcasts.

Combine digital signage with digital door signs to guide patients effectively. You can also combine digital signage with a queue management system to call patients by their queue number. Alternatively, use a registration system where patients check in by entering their date of birth at a registration kiosk.

Benefits for practices and healthcare organisations:

  • More calm in the waiting room and at the desk: Display answers to frequently asked questions, making patients calmer and less likely to approach the desk.
  • Satisfied patients: Optimal information provision ensures patients know what to expect and are more satisfied with their care.
  • Suitable for small and large organisations: The management environment can be customised to your needs and remains organised, even if you work with multiple broadcasts at different locations.
  • Reliable and current content: Inform patients with seasonal information and videos from our partners like Thuisarts.nl and the Patients Federation.
  • Own corporate style: Create your broadcasts entirely ad-free in your own corporate style.
  • Calling patients: Call patients to the desk or treatment room, or integrate with a queue management system to call patients by their queue number.

Why choose Wachtkamerschermen®?

Wachtkamerschermen® has extensive experience in healthcare, so we understand your needs in your practice, institution, or clinic. We work closely with technical partners and industry associations to provide reliable solutions.

With Wachtkamerschermen®, you choose one partner for the waiting experience and queue management.