Customer stories

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Wachtruimte met narrowcasting van Wachtkamerschermen
Narrowcasting van Wachtkamerschermen® op de polikliniek

Isala Hospital

Hospital uses digital signage as a full-fledged communication channel

How digital signage at Isala Hospital contributes to optimising communication to patients and employees. Read more

Aanmeldzuil bij Huisartsenpraktijk De Blauwe Tulp
Wachtruimte bij Huisartsenpraktijk De Blauwe Tulp

GP practice De Blauwe Tulp

A registration kiosk provides assistant peace for the practice

The shortage of medical assistants and increasing workload demanded a solution: the registration system offers relief. Read more

GAEV Dental - Mondzorgcentrum De Parel
GAEV Dental - Tandheelkundig Centrum Udenhout

GAEV Dental

Professionalising digital signage increases engagement

GAEV Dental and Wachtkamerschermen® have developed a content management strategy for digital signage screens in dental practices. Read more

Aanmeldzuil bij medisch centrum Lindenheuvel

Medical Centre Lindenheuvel

Registration system saves time and increases customer friendliness

Lindenheuvel Medical Centre works with a self-service kiosk integrated with Tetra's Bricks Huisarts. Read more

Onze Huisartsen - Huisartsengroep Duiven en HAP 't Reinhart
Onze Huisartsen - Huisartsenpraktijk Hagenau
Onze Huisartsen - HAP Smits Zevenaar

Onze Huisartsen

Digital Signage for cooperating organisations and healthcare groups

Reducing workload was a priority for cooperating organisation Onze Huisartsen. Together with Wachtkamerschermen® an interesting offer has been created. Read more

Een van de vaccinatielocaties van de GGD Drenthe
Flowmanager software
Flowmanager in gebruik

GGD Drenthe

Flowmanager optimises flow at vaccination locations of GGD

In collaboration with GGD Drenthe, Flowmanager® was developed to guide patient flow. Read more

Narrowcasting bij Dentiz Centrum voor Mondzorg
Close up van narrowcastingscherm

Dentiz Centre for Dental Care

Positive waiting time experience for all ages

With digital signage from Wachtkamerschermen®, Dentiz dental care practice can engage patients of all ages. Read more

Wachtruimte met narrowcasting scherm

Health centre Lunetten

Digital signage brings different disciplines together on one screen

At health centre Lunetten, patients are optimally informed with information from various disciplines. Read more

Narrowcasting scherm bij afdeling Reizigersvaccinatie

GGD Gelderland Zuid

Up-to-date information about travel & health via Wachtkamerschermen®

GGD displays latest information about travel & health in the travellers' vaccination department. Read more

Narrowcastingscherm als huisartsenpost gesloten is

GP station Oude IJssel

Digital signage is used for multiple purposes at GP emergency station

GP station uses digital signage during opening hours, but also when the post is closed to inform visitors about the opening times. Read more