Customer stories

Tag Gezondheidscentrum
Wachtruimte met narrowcasting scherm

Health centre Lunetten

Digital signage brings different disciplines together on one screen

At health centre Lunetten, patients are optimally informed with information from various disciplines. Read more

Narowcasting in de wachtruimte op de 1e etage
Narrowcasting op de 2e etage

Health centre De Nije Veste

Digital signage in multidisciplinary health centre

De Nije Veste Health Centre uses digital signage to distract visitors and display current information. Read more

Een blikvanger bij Gezondheidscentrum Buiksloterham
Narrowcasting scherm op 1e verdieping Gezondheidscentrum Amstelkwartier

Health centres Buiksloterham en Amstelkwartier

Targeted digital signage for specific audiences

Health centres in Amsterdam inform patients via digital signage screens. Read more