GP station Oude IJssel

Digital signage is used for multiple purposes at GP emergency station

GP station Oude IJssel

Digital signage is used for multiple purposes at GP emergency station

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The GP emergency station Oude IJssel is part of Huisartsenzorg Oude IJssel B.V., a collaboration between GPs in the West Achterhoek. The GP station is located in the Slingeland Hospital in Doetinchem.

Displaying time-sensitive information

At GP station Oude IJssel in Doetinchem, there was a need to display information dynamically and time-sensitively. The GP station is open in the evenings and on weekends, but sometimes people enter the GP station during the day. To inform these people about the opening times, a different playlist is shown during the day than in the evenings and on weekends.

Extensive patient information during opening hours

During opening hours, a playlist is shown that focuses on waiting patients and their (possible) companions. For example, there is an explanation about urgency: why are some patients helped before others? Additionally, an animation explains the ‘Landelijk Schakelpunt’ (LSP). GP station Oude IJssel also finds it important to use the Wachtkamerscherm® to address health and complaints. For this purpose, the Thuisarts widget is used. The GP station finds the widget very convenient because it automatically displays different topics every month that match the season: “You don't have to worry about it, and your broadcast is always up to date!”

Furthermore, there are plans to soon conduct the patient satisfaction survey via the Wachtkamerscherm®. This is a great addition, allowing even more to be gained from the Wachtkamerscherm®.

Less crowding at the reception

Since the Wachtkamerscherm® has been installed at the GP station, they have noticed less crowding at the reception. Fewer questions are asked about the waiting time or why someone is helped earlier even though they arrived later. Therefore, the Wachtkamerscherm® is seen as an important addition to communication with visitors to the GP station. GP station Oude IJssel is also positive about the user-friendliness of the management menu: “Adding a video is very simple, and in no time, you have adjusted the playlist. We wouldn't want to be without it!”

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